Tag Archives: Oil

Brazil: Men of the Sea

Dear friends,

At this time last year, I had just returned from filming in Brazil, where I was documenting the risks facing human rights defenders for the organization Front Line Defenders.

The 7-part video series that I made has been rolled out over the last few months, some in the lead-up to the recent World Cup in Brazil.

This, the 5th video in the series, explores the threats being faced by fisherfolk in a collective called AHOMAR (an acronyn whose translation is: Men of the Sea.)

AHOMAR has been engaged in activism trying to prevent the pollution of Guanabara Bay–leading to the destruction of their way of life and livlihood–at the hands of Big Oil. AHOMAR fisherfolk have been threatened, beaten, and assassinated for trying to stand up for their life and protect their bay.

Learn more with this 7-minute video:


In solidarity with the courageous men and women of AHOMAR,

Jen Marlowe

AHOMAR's shuttered headquarters

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Filed under Brazil, Human Rights